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Traffic rules for cyclists

Cyclists must adhere to the  road signs and traffic rules  to hold. For example, they have to ride on the bike path. If there is no bicycle path, they must drive on the right-hand side of the carriageway. The same traffic rules apply to an electric bicycle (or e-bike) as to a normal bicycle

Ban on holding a mobile phone on a bicycle

People also stay online in traffic. This can lead to dangerous situations. Therefore, from 1 July 2019, it is prohibited to hold mobile electronic devices for communication and/or information processing while cycling. So mobile phones, but also tablets, navigation systems and music players. Hands-free navigation and listening to music are allowed, for example via headphones. The ambient noise must remain audible. For example, by using only one earplug or turning the volume down. The buttons on a headset or on the cord of earplugs may be used to operate a telephone or music player.

Look before you maneuver – so don't turn or stop suddenly. Let other people know what you're up to – use hand signals and make eye contact; be aware of trams and taxis (they always have right of way), trucks, cars, scooters and of course other cyclists and pedestrians.  

Always lock your bike safely you have  2 locks and don't park it on the road or sidewalk. 

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